Anaesthetic challenges in a patient with Klippel–Feil syndrome scheduled for panendoscopy and biopsy
Klippel Feil syndrome, Sprengel deformity, awake fibreoptic intubation, panendoscopyAbstract
Klippel–Feil syndrome is one of the congenital causes of difficult airway. It is characterised by a classic triad of a short neck, restricted cervical spine movement, and a low posterior hairline, which can pose a significant challenge to the anaesthetist during airway management. A case of Klippel Feil Syndrome type 2 with associated Sprengel’s deformity for panendoscopy under general anaesthesia is presented. The anaesthetic considerations in the management of this patient are also discussed.
(Full text available online at
South Afr J Anaesth Analg 2018; DOI: 10.1080/22201181.2018.1438555
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