Intubating laryngeal tube suction device (iLTS-D) requires ‘Mandheeral 1 and Mandheeral 2’ manoeuvres for optimum ventilation
iLTS-D, Mandheeral 1, Mandheeral 2Abstract
The recently introduced iLTS -D® combines the characteristics of laryngeal tube suction-D with the added possibility of secondary tracheal intubation. The manufacturer has provided a method to insert the novel device, iLTS-D. With 45-patients worth of experience, two manoeuvres, i.e. Mandheeral 1 and Mandheeral 2, are recommended for smooth insertion of the device, and ventilation through the device. These were head extension and ‘up-to-one-inch-out manoeuvres’. These two manoeuvres were required in all patients.(Full text available online at
South Afr J Anaesth Analg 2018; DOI: 10.1080/22201181.2018.1436031
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